AQ Mesh Small Sensors
AQMesh is a small-sensor air quality monitor (pod) for measuring indoor and outdoor air quality, offering near real-time localized air quality information and data analysis. AQMesh pods measure key pollutants in ambient air using the best small sensor technology combined with data processing derived from extensive global comparisons with reference data. The product combines a robust hardware platform with wireless power options, GPRS communication, cloud-based data processing and secure online access. AQMesh pods are manufactured to an exceptionally high quality based on many years’ experience of developing environmental monitoring equipment for harsh environments and challenging international standards.
- Measures gases including NO, NO2, NOx, O3, CO, SO2, CO2 and H2S using the latest generation of electrochemical sensors
- Measures particulates PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and TPC with a light-scattering optical particle counter
- Measures relative humidity, pod temperature, atmospheric pressure and noise
- Various power options, including battery and solar
- Wireless communications
- Secure online data access
- Proven performance and accuracy against reference equipment
- Experienced supply and support