Ambilabs® manufactures turn-key scientific field monitoring laboratories and the associated infrastructure required to accurately and immediately evaluate the levels of air pollution for industrial emission sources and ambient monitoring applications.
Airpointer® The Airpointer® is a revolutionary, compact, and modular system for air quality monitoring. It is easy to install, cost effective to operate and easy to maintain. Its compact design enables it to…
2WIN Nephelometer
2-WIN (Two Wavelength Integrating Nephelometer) The Ambilabs® dual wavelength nephelometer is a robust ambient air-quality instrument designed to provide measurements of particle concentrations, ambient visibility, and source apportionment information. The…
Ambi-VOC PID Portable Photoionization Detector (PID) The Ambi-VOC total volatile organic compound (TVOC) detector is the easiest way to monitor and record PID detectable TVOCs using any PC with a…